Commercial Vendor Commercial Vendor Form 2nd Saturdays Downtown Commercial Vendor Application to Participate All vendor applicants are juried. Please read the Vendor FAQs on the website before you fill out this application: SMALL BUSINESS OR ORGANIZATION VENDOR FEE IS $200.Name of Company*Email* Mobile Phone Number*Please describe your services*What is your set up?*10 x 10 TentJust a table and chairsTrailerOtherYou must provide your own lighting and power. You may use battery or solar operated lighting. If you use a generator, it must be a silent generator. No exceptions.Setup, otherWebsite Have you read the FAQ?*YesI have read the FAQs on and understand that vendor space is full and any applications taken are on back up list only. Should there be a last minute cancellation or a no show, I understand that I will be contacted to participate. I understand that I will not receive an email unless there is a last minute space available. Thank you.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.